Why You Should Choose MYOB Greentree

MYOB Greentree for a warehouse

In the process of finding some new enterprise resource planning software? Then you’ll no doubt come across MYOB Greentree, one of the most popular options on the market. It’s always a good idea to weigh up your options and think about what your business needs are. Spending time on getting good infrastructure in place is every bit as important as getting the right people into your business. If you think it’s time to review your systems and invest in new ERP software then you should take the time to investigate MYOB Greentree and everything it can offer to you. Read on below for a few of the top reasons why you should choose it as your ERP software.

Great collection of existing suites

MYOB Greentree is much more than just your typical financial management software. It has a lot of functionality and suites capable of supporting numerous business functions. It is flexible and adaptable enough to be used in a wide range of industries to meet a variety of needs.

Integration capabilities

One of the things that make MYOB Greentree software so popular is that it can easily be integrated with a range of different modules. Its integration capability makes it a great option for customisation and for keeping it up to date and relevant.


MYOB Greentree software is a popular choice because it can easily be configured to meet the challenges of your business. The level of customisation that it offers is well above what you would find in most other ERP solutions at a similar price point.

It goes well beyond accounting

Many people think that MYOB Greentree is simply accounting software but it’s actually much more than that. Businesses can control information and documents with it, as well as create workflows to suit their needs. Powerful workflow tools can make it easy for businesses to control data and allocate work. It also makes it simple to provide alerts to users with important information. This has uses for a range of different businesses such as in finance – you can for example alert customers when they have gone over their credit limit, they can also configure processes to meet your needs.

MYOB Greentree is even capable of managing multi-level approval processes and can make approvals and alerts appear on both web and mobile based interfaces.

Process flow management

One of the great things about the ERP software is that it makes it possible to document and map out your unique business processes which makes it simple to ensure compliance, make routine tasks simple (or even automated) and can also help to remove a lot of human error from your business. This software is great for improving efficiency and ensuring that everything is properly tracked and audited.

This software is a great choice for making the lives of your employees easier and can make things much more productive.

Relationships with clients

One of the things that makes this software so popular is that the company has a great reputation for building excellent relationships with their customers and clients. ERP software can be complicated to properly implement and it takes a while to integrate your systems and processes properly. Good customer support will be invaluable to you should you want to implement a new system. This company offers great support and guidance and will make the process of implementing new software much smoother and simpler.

If you’re not sure if this is the right option for your company you should speak to them about their pricing and what they suggest would work for your business.